Recalls and Updates

Recalls and Updates

Recalls and Updates

Apart from any safety concerns, recalls and product updates also improve the long-term quality of our products and your experience of owning a Honda. That’s why we strongly advise you to get the work done. We would always recommend checking with your Honda dealer if you want to find out about any outstanding recall work, and also keep an eye on this page for regular updates.

What is a recall?

A recall is announced because a manufacturer has concerns about a potential safety-related defect. This might be due to a feature, the design or the construction of a product, and which is liable to cause significant risk of injury to the user.

What is a product update?

Product updates are not safety related. As technology improves, there may be instances where a manufacturer has developed new components or processes that will help to enhance the overall quality of a product.

Online check

Please complete the form below to check for any outstanding recall or product update information for your product. For information on our Privacy Policy, please click the link in the page footer below.

Please enter your PIN

Cannot retrieve data.

There are currently no active recalls/updates


A unique PIN Number for your product - Example HAMF-1000001

Online Check


There is an outstanding recall/update

    Contact your dealer

    Dealer contact

    Check again

    Please note: the results presented here are based on information supplied by our service network. We will always notify you by letter if there are any future updates and/or recalls applicable to your product. However, we also recommend you use this page to check your product on a regular basis. To confirm, please contact your local Honda Dealer or Honda directly on 0845 200 8000.