BTCC Drivers Quiz
#TeamMatt vs #TeamDan

Hi there & welcome to Honda Engine Room – it’s time to look back and see how Matt & Dan fared when we applied the pressure to them off the track. This was #TeamMatt vs #TeamDan.
We challenged Matt & Dan to a quiz, one they couldn’t prepare for. We asked you – our amazing fans – to come up with some tricky racing-related questions for your chosen driver to ask that they didn’t think the other would be able to answer. Boy did you deliver, we couldn’t answer half of them ourselves!
We threw in some general knowledge/pop culture questions for good measure, and 45 minutes later we’d learnt that Matt clearly hasn’t seen Tiger King and there’s bigger Elton John fans out there than DC!
Check below for the answers the lads gave, alongside the correct answer when the incorrect answer was (often) given. With a strong degree of certainty, we can confirm that neither of our drivers will be quitting their day jobs.