Honda Accident Assistance is currently unavailable. Please be aware the current scope of services offered by Honda is limited. However, if you call the number below, our Roadside Assistance provider can arrange to recover your vehicle to a Honda Approved Bodyshop.

Honda Accident Assistance
Had an Accident?
At Honda, we understand that accidents can be stressful and overwhelming, which is why we are here to support you. With Honda Accident Assistance, we will help you get back on the road as safely and quickly as possible.
How to contact us if you have been in an accident:

For cars compatible with My Honda+
Honda Accident Assistance on vehicles compatible with My Honda+ is accessed via the My Honda+ smartphone app. Please follow the instructions listed in the Honda Digital Roadside Assistance section.
If the app is unavailable, please call:
+44 (0) 2079 493 185
If your car is not compatible with My Honda+, please call 0800 521 728
Once connected, press option 2 to speak to a member of our accident management team who will support and guide you throughout the process.

Genuine Honda
In the unfortunate event of an accident to your vehicle, our Honda Approved Bodyshops will ensure your Honda is repaired to the highest quality finish.
You may find yourself under pressure from your insurance company to use an Insurance Approved Bodyshop of their choice. However, Insurance Approved Bodyshops may not use Genuine Honda Parts and Approved Honda repair techniques, which is why you should insist that your Honda is repaired only by a Honda Approved Bodyshop.
We guarantee that Honda Approved Bodyshops repair Honda vehicles to the highest standards. And when you use a Honda Approved Bodyshop, you have the added comfort of knowing that work is carried out to our exacting standards of quality.
By using a Honda Approved Bodyshop, you will receive the personal service you expect from Honda: