Honda Genuine Parts
Love your Honda. Use Honda Genuine Parts
Why buy Genuine Honda Parts?
Honda Genuine Parts are designed to the highest specification and standard, to meet the demand of modern driving. As a result, Honda Genuine Parts are tested rigorously to increase vehicle performance and efficiency.

You are the owner of a Honda and we trust that you are entirely satisfied with your vehicle. Your Honda is a collection of individual parts that fit together perfectly to create a safe, reliable and efficient motor vehicle. These parts were made with Honda DNA, thus offering an additional guarantee of your vehicle’s reliability.
Honda Genuine Maintenance Parts safeguard your cars continuing high standards of performance in terms of safety, comfort and driveability. These Honda Genuine Maintenance Parts are of identical quality to those used in the making of Honda vehicles.

For all your Honda maintenance needs, we have a full range of Genuine Parts that are specifically designed for your vehicle, tested and approved by our experts and engineers. Only these parts offer you optimal value for money, reliability and peace of mind.
By choosing Honda Genuine Maintenance Parts for your vehicle’s maintenance needs:
You are helping to ensure that your vehicle will continue to offer you a comfortable ride, superior handling and road-holding qualities and the highest standards of protection. You are helping to extend your vehicle’s useful life and you can enjoy many years of enjoyable motoring.
Safer and more durable

Keep your Honda, a Honda
Only Honda Original Parts ensure that you're Honda runs as it was engineered to. Honda Genuine Maintenance Parts are at your local Honda Retailer.