Frequently asked questions
Get your questions answered about purchasing your new Honda online.
Frequently asked questions about buying a Honda online
For more general questions, visit our FAQ page.
Do I need to create a Honda ID to buy a Honda online?

Yes, you need to create a Honda ID to purchase a new Honda.
Can I change my configuration after confirming it?

Yes, you can change your configuration after confirming it by calling your preferred retailer within 45 days of confirming your configuration. Some fees may apply.
Where can I find more information about the model I want to buy?

You can find more information on the model-specific page. If you're looking to buy the e:Ny1, you can see more information on the Overview page.
What payment options are available?

You can pay for your new Honda using cash, Personal Contract Purchase (PCP), or Hire Purchase (HP). You can also apply a part exchange of your current vehicle to your order.
Will my new Honda be delivered to my door?

No, your customised Honda will be delivered to your preferred retailer. You'll select your preferred retailer after you've completed your new car configuration.
Can I withdraw from my purchase contract?

Yes, you can withdraw from your purchase contract up to 45 days before your new vehicle handover. After that, you can withdraw but you will lose your initial deposit.